Preparing spaces for safe re-entry during COVID-19
Arc Re-Entry provides tools to benchmark infection-control policies and procedures, collect occupant experiences, and track indoor air quality.

Prepare your space for safe re-entry with three key strategies
Facility Management
Share and compare information on policies and procedures used to manage the spread of infectious disease.
Occupant Observations
Engage occupants to understand their experience, increase transparency and help build confidence in re-entry.
Indoor Air Quality
Measure conditions to inform management and target action to improve occupant experience.

Safe spaces rely on good feedback
Arc offers tools that help facility managers connect the intention of policies and procedures with the real world experience of building occupants.

Monitor and improve indoor air quality
Safe spaces depend on more than just occupant experiences. Managers need to understanding important, but invisible, factors such as relative humidity, carbon dioxide concentration, and particulate matter.

Inform your policies and procedures with LEED
New LEED Safety First Pilot Credits provide practical guidance to inform facility management. They can be cited as authorities in Arc Re-Entry.

Utilize WELL’s Health-Safety strategies
Take advantage of strategies in WELL’s Health & Safety Rating. This evidence-based, third-party verified rating focuses on operational policies, cleaning protocols and design strategies to address a post COVID-19 environment.

Learn more about Arc Re-Entry
- Nov 08, 2021
- Feb 03, 2021
- Sep 28, 2020
- Jul 20, 2020
- Jul 07, 2020
- Jun 10, 2020
- Jun 09, 2020
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Support a safe, confident return to the places where we work, live, and play.