Here are the answers to the questions we received during the ArcJapan webinar held on December 22, 2022, as well as a Youtube video of the event. Thank you for your continued support.
Youtube Video
Question 1.
While SEC is tightening ESG-related disclosure requirements, several states with GOP governors such as Florida, Texas, and West Virginia,
have been criticizing large-scale US-based money managers such as Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street
and a significant amount of state pension funds money from funds managed by those firms.
Vanguard pulled out from the Net Zero Asset Managers coalition recently.
Do you see those GOP actions will significantly delay US's movement toward ESG disclosure?
Answer 1
The SEC rulings are independent and not significantly or directly impacted by the GOP actions.
The rulings are more about disclosing the impact of climate-related risks on the activities of the market participants,
and hence, are a move to improving transparency for better decision-making for investors.
The SEC rulings embed assurance requirements to ensure that the disclosures are accurate.
質問 1
SEC が ESG 関連開示の要求を強化する一方で、フロリダ、テキサス、ウェストバージニアなど共和党の州知事がいるいくつかの州では、
Blackrock、Vanguard、State Streetといった米国の大規模な運用会社やこれらの会社が運用するファンドから多額の州年金資金を調達していることを批判しています。
Vanguardは最近Net Zero Asset Managers連合から脱退しました。このような共和党の動きは、米国のESG開示の動きを大きく遅らせることになると思われますか?
回答 1
Question 2.
What time frame for CSRD is mandated and how Arc platform contribute to CSRD requirements to satisfy?
Answer 2
The EU CSRD regulation will take effect in 4 phases:
Companies already subject to NFRD must begin reporting in 2025 on their 2024 financial year.
Large companies not currently subject to NFRD must begin reporting in 2026 on their 2025 financial year.
Listed SMEs, small and non-complex credit institutions, and captive insurance undertakings must begin reporting in 2027 on their 2026 financial year
International companies with a net turnover above 150 million euros in the EU who meet other CSRD requirements must begin reporting in 2029 on their 2028 financial year.
Arc Japan will provide asset-level benchmarking and portfolio-level performance metrics which will help entities with their disclosure requirements, as needed.
質問 2
回答 2