Schneider Fellows are a special group of scientists and engineers. Over the last decade, they have made a tangible, positive impact on the mission of the U.S. Green Building Council.
I have been working with Schneider Fellows (and in an earlier incarnation MAP Fellows) since 2019 -- missing only one year along the way. During that time, Schneider fellows have:
Created carbon calculators for the UN COP19 conference
Studied LEED credit achievement
Mined data on renewable energy
Explored public health in a long-running podcast
Studied commuting behavior
Embedded with the GRESB team in Amsterdam
Participated in Greenbuild
Developed “unique building identifiers”
Analyzed (a lot of) resilience data (twice)
And much more
This year, we virtually welcomed two students from Stanford’s Civil and Environmental Engineering program: Shikha Srinivas and Juliana Berglund-Brown. Hands down, this was the strangest year ever for our fellows. No hanging out in the office. No happy hours. Lots of time online and phone calls. Despite these circumstances, Juliana and Shikha quickly became part of our team. They:
Helped test new Arc features;
Contributed to the development of Arc Re-Entry;
Analyzed new strategies to score transportation;
Created new lessons to support the Building Learners program.
We have shared some of their work before, and we are pleased to post two new articles. These dive deeper in the impact of COVID-19 on the Arc Transportation Score. They explore alternative metrics and evaluate new scoring strategies. Their work has advanced our thinking. It will ultimately make Arc better and advance our mission of making real world performance a ubiquitous and impactful part of green building practice. Check out their work: