■Date & Time:21 Feb, 2024(Wed) 4:00PM-5:30PM (Japan Standard Time)
■Free of charge
Register from this link: https://reserva.be/arcjapan
※The event will be held on the Zoom platform.
The link to join will be shared shortly after the registration using the URL above.
■Keynote - Chris Pyke, Chief Innovation Officer, GRESB
followed by a chat with Suhaas Mathur, Arc Japan
■GRESB and Arc - Bailey Matthew, Arc Japan
■Arc Japan new initiatives announcement - Hiroki Hiramatsu, CEO, Arc Japan
■Case studies on Arc, LEED, and asset improvement initiatives- Katsumi Niwa, Director, Engineering Division, NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD
■Consulting Services of Green Buildings - Hiroaki Tanaka, General Manager, Building and Urban Environmental Consulting Section, NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD
An online seminar jointly organized by Arc Japan and Nikken Sekkei for February 2024.
A timely transition to sustainable, healthy, and resilient real estate is emerging as a priority for all real estate sector stakeholders in Japan.
Internationally well-known comprehensive building certification programs such as LEED are evolving to be at the forefront of enabling aggressive sustainability efforts in the design, construction, and operation of buildings.
In addition, global benchmarks such as GRESB, regulations such as EU Taxonomy*1 and SFDR*2, and science-based frameworks such as CRREM*3, SBTi*4, and TCFD*5 are creating top-down pressure on investors engaged in ownership and acquisition of real estate to improve the governance and management of their companies and disclose performance on material ESG factors for both the company and the underlying assets held.
Consequently, in the last two and a half years, the Arc Japan platform has been used by more than 1000 assets in Japan to benchmark their performance on all material ESG indicators and metrics for GRESB reporting and LEED certification purposes.
In addition to how Arc enables a data-driven approach to benchmarking sustainability performance benchmarking - for single assets to full portfolios, the seminar will show how stakeholders can leverage the platform to improve GRESB scores, make meaningful use of climate risk assessments, and the role of verification metrics for the individual needs of sustainable finance.
Nikken Sekkei will demonstrate how using the Arc Japan platform, they were able to not only upload, track, and score performance, but also identify areas of improvement and recognize projects ready for recognition (such as utilizing the seamless pathway to LEED certification). Using Arc Japan, they were able to make informed decisions to reduce their carbon footprint and create more green and healthy spaces for occupants across their own portfolio of buildings.
Nikken Sekkei established the Environmental Consulting Office in January 2024 to strengthen the provision of consulting services for green buildings.
The event will begin with a special keynote by Chris Pyke – Chief Innovation Officer at GRESB.
■Inquiries about webinar content and registration:contact@arcjapan.jp