Date & Time 22 Dec, 2022(Thu) 1:30PM-2:30PM (Japan Standard Time)
Free of charge
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----【Details of contents】------------------------------------------------------------
Presenter:Suhaas Mathur(Arc Japan Inc.)
interpretation:Bailey Matthew(Arc Japan Inc.)
Bilingual broadcasting with English and Japanese
What does the recent surge in non-financial and ESG reporting requirements mean for the participants in the real estate sector?
The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Forecasts 2022 report cited societal and environmental risks as the top medium and long-term risks facing our society. Consequently, investors are actively seeking environmental, social, and governance (ESG) indicators from businesses and companies they invest in to incorporate non-financial information in their decision-making.
In parallel, regulations are in force or being proposed in all global regions including the EU and North America to ensure that companies are correctly reporting non-financial information to their investors. These include the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and EU Taxonomy in the European Union, and the Securities and Exchange Commission Proposal on Climate-Related Disclosures in the U.S.
Independent reporting standards and frameworks are available or in development to structure ESG reporting based on the type of industry and business activity. These include frameworks by the International Sustainable Standards Board (ISSB) and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Further, GRESB effectively benchmarks ESG reporting for the real estate sector providing quality data from companies and businesses.
This webinar provides a 360-degree view of the global landscape of ESG reporting and how it impacts the real estate sector participants – investors, owners, and asset managers, and tenants. The webinar has the following learning objectives:
1. Understand the ESG fundamentals and ESG issues challenging businesses and society globally.
2. Understand the relationship between green building, ESG, and sustainable finance.
3. Learn about the regulations, standards, and frameworks being developed around the world and how they impact your business.
■ Inquiries about webinar content and registration:contact@arcjapan.jp