Arc users are taking advantage of Arc for All to create larger, more comprehensive portfolios of spaces and buildings around the world. They are using portfolios to:
- Conduct LEED gap analysis;
- Organize groups of projects for LEED certification; and
- Consolidate information about facilities across geographies and business units, providing a cross-cutting, multi-issue view.
This work complements and leverages existing information enterprise systems, such as ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, Measurabl, or Wattics.
Today, the average Arc portfolio contains approximately 40 projects, with some containing more than 1,000 projects. This trend has motivated the Arc team to create new tools to create and manage portfolios.
This week, Arc released the first set of new portfolio features:
- Create portfolios, faster. All users have new tools to filter and select multiple projects based on attributes like location, certification status, and more.
- Understand and prioritize portfolio-wide performance. All users have a new portfolio user interface, including a new Performance tab. This is the new home for project scores - watch this space as more tools and capabilities are coming soon!
- Support Re-Entry. Arc Essentials users will also find a new portfolio-level Re-Entry dashboard. This will roll-up Arc Comprehensiveness Scores and sub-scores across multiple projects.
- Get ready for LEED. Arc Essentials users will also find a new, expanded LEED Readiness section in the custom project report. This includes five category race tracks and all the performance metrics from the old Arc user interface. This will be the place to get this information after the old interface is decommissioned in August.
One note, remember that all of these features are available in the “new” user interface. If you do not see them, you are likely to be using the “old” interface. Check the black bar at the top of your web browser to toggle between the two until August 16 when the “old” interface will no longer be available.
This is just the beginning of our roll out of new portfolio-level tools. Later this summer, we will release more portfolio features for all users and more advanced capabilities for Arc Essentials subscribers.
Get in touch if you need help or have any questions by emailing contact@arcskoru.com.