Arc makes real world performance an integral part of green building practice. Here are four ways to get started:
1. Arc for All
Anyone, everywhere can create a project, add data, and generate scores.
Login with your USGBC.org credentials or create an account.
Add a Project
Enter or connect data through the Meters & Surveys. Here is a breakdown of the information you need.
That’s it. Information about scores and metrics will appear in the Overview tab with more details in the Performance tab. When you’re ready, you can automate data from one of Arc’s integration partners.
2. Performance Certificates
Arc provides opportunities to recognize leadership in any of the five performance categories - energy, water, waste, transportation, and human experience.
Navigate to any project with data
Under the Leadership tab, click Performance Certificates
Subscribe to Performance Certificates and make unlimited numbers of certificates in any category.
Performance Certificates are being used to recognize milestones for individual projects, share success with stakeholders, or even submit energy ratings to GRESB.
3. Arc Essentials
Arc is also a tool to help professionals understand performance, improve scores, and generate high-quality reports.
Login and click Upgrade My Account
Subscribe to Arc Essentials and unlock new tools
Explore Arc Insights, Score Modeling, Custom Reports, and more.
Arc Essentials provides capabilities needed to plan for leadership, help project teams achieve higher levels of LEED certification, and deliver high-quality performance reports.
Arc powers LEED certification. This includes new LEED v4.1 O+M certifications and LEED recertification. For new certifications, check out the LEED v4.1 O+M Beta Guide. For recertifications:
Login with your USGBC credentials
Select your recertification project and add data for each of the five categories.
Track your progress toward LEED on the Performance tab, and, when you are ready, submit for review under the Leadership tab.
Once they get the hang of it, most teams find that performance-based LEED certification is faster and easier than conventional approaches. Try it for yourself.
There are many ways to start tracking your performance and working toward a healthier, more sustainable space. Reach out to contact@arcskoru.com if you have questions - Arc is here to help you achieve your goals!