GRESB is the leading global benchmark to measure, score, and improve the environmental, social, and governance performance of real asset companies and funds. Each year, GRESB participants report key performance indicators for thousands of assets around the world. Arc provides GRESB participants with the tools to do more with this asset data, including:
Easily load GRESB asset data into Arc;
Streamline LEED gap analysis;
Create Performance Certificates;
Pursue green building certification; and
Increase stakeholder engagement.
#1 Load asset data
Manually moving data between platforms can be challenging, but not with Arc. Arc makes it easy to do more with the same data. GRESB participants can directly upload to Arc from a GRESB Asset Spreadsheet, no changes necessary. What works for GRESB, works for Arc:
Go to “Building,” then “My Portfolios”
Click “Import from GRESB” and select your GRESB Asset Spreadsheet
#2 LEED gap analysis
Once data is loaded, Arc users can use GRESB to quickly identify assets that may meet LEED performance requirements for energy, water and waste. This lightweight, “gap analysis” helps portfolio managers identify assets that have not yet achieved certification, but that perform well enough to meet LEED requirements. These are opportunities to recognize leadership and potentially reposition assets.
#3 Performance certificates
Arc provides tools to collect and manage data associated with individual performance categories, including energy, water or waste. This information can be used to generate Performance Certificates backed by real world data and automated quality checks. This can help users earn more points for GRESB’s building energy rating (BC2) indicator. Arc Performance Certificates can also be used as an alternative compliance path for GRESB’s Operational Building Certifications indicator (BC1.2). Projects with three or more Performance Certificates can submit these as equivalent to a green building certification and receive “partial minus” recognition. Learn more.
#4 Green building certification
Arc helps users streamline LEED certification. This can help users earn more points in GRESB’s Operational Building Certification indicator (BC1.2). Arc-supported operational green building certifications include LEED v4 and v4.1 O+M, LEED Recertification, LEED for Transit, ParkSmart, and LEED Zero. Learn more.
#5 Stakeholder engagement
Arc can also help GRESB participants enhance stakeholder engagement and improve data management. The Arc Occupant Satisfaction Survey provides a lightweight tool to address GRESB indicators related to employee satisfaction, tenant engagement and tenant satisfaction. Arc’s survey is available in seven languages, and it can be delivered directly by Arc or shared as a link via email. Learn more on YouTube.
Learn more. Get started.
GRESB participants can get started today at www.arcskoru.com: Login or create a free account. Load a GRESB Asset Spreadsheet as an Arc portfolio. If participants need more support, they can reach the Arc team at contact@arcskoru.com.
2020 GRESB Indicator |
Arc-Supported Options |
BC1.2 Operational Building Certifications |
BC2 Energy Ratings |